четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

euro currency

Well nothing specail happened today, but i will probably talk about the oakcrest haunted walk. We had our second meeting today and the haunted walk is only next week. (The 23rd.)�My scene, is "Ancora Psychiactric Hospital" which basically means we need to be a bunch of crazy people. Me scene leaders, Jon and Lindsey pretty much know what is all going down. Iapos;m going to try and find a straight jacket to use, so iapos;ll have to look around for that. We have the 300 wing, but we donapos;t really need that much space. We were going to have the creepy tiny hallways that make you feel claustrophopic, but instead they switched us. We will find someway to work everything out. The scene before us is doing "Eastern�State Pennitentairy" so we basically have to find away to make the guest know that they arenapos;t there anymore once they walk into our scene. Iapos;m hopefully going to make a sign, and hopefully people will realize what we are lol.

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