понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.


"Love exists in being best friends for a year and some change. one day�while heapos;s playing one of your favourite songs,he leans over and kisses you. you realize that the guy� youapos;ve been searching for almost 2 years was there all along"

2nd week of school.This weekendapos;s gonna be a long one cos of deepavali hols.Reminds me that many years ago my dear friend fell on that day and everyone wished her happy deepavali.haha:D� Maybe getting my cam THIS weekend after pleading several times.yeah darn.this sounds damn steewwpid.iapos;m gonna get it even if it means someone gets unhappy-___-

ooh ok logging off. Need to get some foooood before the next lesson
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by fear.org site surrounded

I woke up expecting a regular old sunday; around noon i found out some disturbing news and by midnight i was in st. Augustine, fl. My brother and i are now organizing a 2 day emergency move to get my mom back to tx, including all of her belongings, 2 cats and getting her out of her lease. So far so good. Lots of work today. My body is exhausted.

i miss my husband painfully. He is my safe place and the only time i can ever just really be who and what i want to be is when iapos;m with him. This is the first time weapos;ve been apart since we were married and iapos;m very sad about it.
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elementary school newspaper

Deep where the trees grow free from the wiles of modernity, he lives deep within walls of stone�where high towers linger high above the torn embattlements. His call beckons�her to come, and when she does,�she is�forever enraptured by the spell. An innocent spell. Night after night he keeps his guest bound to the rich pleasures when one day, his guest finds all life has passed her by. He leaves her alone to find another while the pall of age settles into her spent bones. No one is there for her, and with the reality, she screams a scream that echos throughout the stone hallways with pouncing ferocity, and the edges of his lips reach his cheekbones; but only for a second, for he is wanting and needing of something more.

Her wrath is vain and her seething anger gives way to the depressions, and soon the airy angels come to sweep away the dust of her dying frame, for it is as he wished, her life dissipated for the lengthening of his own. She has become one with the vanishing twilight.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

barn cheshire furniture

Today was tiring.� I�woke up at 2a.m. And either did not go back to sleep or slept so lightly that I might as well have been awake.� I�arrived at work about 8:15 after dropping Emily off at school (Lidija stayed the night with Liz).� I deck scrubbed more of the store knowing on Friday weapos;re supposed to have a visit from the new OVP (yippee).� But, in all fairness, it is my job still to give a good impression of my store.

The 1st part of the day was a bit of a downer.� Not sure what that was all about to be honest.� Maybe just anxiety.

Talking to Cecilia picked up my spirits a bit.� Mike dropping in wasnapos;t that bad of a deal either.� He asked me if I�was sure I wanted to step down.� I�reassured him it is the right decision for me at this time.� I�told Mike that the pressure and stress from work were not helping me with regards to my level of stress.� I�also told Mike that I�think work was a contributing factor, though not solely to blame, to the relational breakdown between Cecilia and myself. �I�honestly think if I�am to have a chance to win Cecilia back I�need to reduce the amount of stress in my life for the time being.� I wonapos;t necessarily say work was #1 in my life before, but I�can say for certain that Cecilia was not.� This was my biggest problem with regards to how I�approached our relationship.� Cecilia should have always been #1 in my book.� Number one, IMO, means #1 in all areas.... Honor, communication, respect, support, love, helping around the house, helping with the kids, chores, cooking, whatever it takes for her to know she is the most precious thing in my life. �I must admit, I do look forward to being able to practice this concept.� I�have been asked, "What if she walks all over you for doing that?"� Well, if she does, then she does.� Though, I�did reply, "She wonapos;t.� Sheapos;s not that kind of person.� She is a very giving and helpful person."� Iapos;m not worried about that since I�cannot control how sheapos;d react to me if I�can develop all the skills and habits to make her #1. �Thereapos;s an old country saying that goes something like this... "If mamma ainapos;t happy, then ainapos;t nobody happy"� How freaking true is that nugget of wisdom?

In other news, dad is sounding better.� Still at the hospital, but sounding better. �I�talked to him tonight and he seemed to be in decent spirits considering he was just told heapos;s had a series of strokes and is a diabetic.� Woohoo.... Life changes on the way.� Between this crap and the stuff my mom dealt with the last few months of her life... Yeah, makes me want to have a wholesale change in my way of living.� I�am, afterall, hoping things work out and I�end up with that happily ever after gig, ya know?��:)


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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

all 4 one lyric

Gtot in a good workout, got home at a reasonable hour. Both very good things. Did quite a bit of coaching and worked with everyone who was there and ready to fight.

Naturally, I got nothing else done, but thatapos;s sort of a given.

Tonight will be chores indoors. Got people coming over on Sunday and a big demo on Saturday, that means tonight and tomorrow night are all the time we have to get the war put away and do the basic cleaning.

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final fantasy mithra

Have you ever felt so overwhelmed with emotion that you just canapos;t seem to function? Thatapos;s been me the past week or so. As my sister put it, Iapos;ve spent pretty much my entire life focusing on my career and very little time focusing on relationships and what I want out of them. Now I know why I stopped thinking about that and compartmentalized it since thinking about it is utterly exhausting.
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Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) 10/16/2008

Even if you start the day knowing what you must do, you may become less certain as the hours tick by. Other possibilities are presented to you and they each have their own merit. But ultimately, you must make your own decision as to how you will connect your goals with those of everyone else. Acting on purely selfish motives wonapos;t make you any happier, so be sure to take the needs of your companions into consideration too.

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